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NewsLetter Archive

Volume 4
FALL 2024
The Fall 2024 newsletter features academic and community achievements. Omnibus speakers Sarah Thomas and im体育 Beschloss inspired students, and the Spring Showcase displayed diverse research efforts. The program celebrated its graduates and expanded its collaboration with Daffodil International im体育. Upcoming events include Omnibus talks by Luke Russert and im体育 Barbaro, the Fall Showcase, and registration for the next semester. The Honors Freshman Seminar welcomed 105 new students, fostering learning and connections. Students are encouraged to submit research to JPUR and participate in the SRCE Symposium. The Honors Coffee Bar and Dons’ Picnic continued to enhance community engagement.
Volume 3
Spring 2024
The Spring 2024 newsletter highlights key events, including visits from speakers Sarah Thomas and im体育 Beschloss, the Spring Showcase, and the May graduation ceremony. The newsletter emphasizes the program’s commitment to academic excellence, with students presenting diverse research projects. Director Combs led a collaboration with Daffodil International im体育 to develop their honors program. The Honors Freshman Seminar welcomed new students with immersive learning experiences. The community-building efforts continued through the Honors Coffee Bar. Director Combs thanked students for their dedication and urged them to participate in upcoming opportunities such as JPUR submissions and the 2025 SRCE Symposium.

Volume 2
FALL 2023
The Fall 2023 newsletter celebrates key events and student achievements. George Takei visited as an Omnibus speaker, sharing inspiring life lessons. The Fall Freshman Seminar welcomed 90 new students, followed by the reopening of the Honors Coffee Bar to foster community. Rainn Wilson also visited, discussing mental health. Notable events include the December 1 Fall Showcase and a November lecture by cybersecurity expert Theresa Payton. Scholarship highlights feature Andrew Danielson and Caleb Castleman for their research and study abroad experiences. Director Combs commended students for their dedication and encouraged participation in upcoming events and research opportunities.
Volume 1
Spring 2023
The Spring 2023 newsletter highlights recent activities, including the Honors Pinning Ceremony and the Honors Showcase. The ceremony celebrated students completing nine honors credits, while the showcase featured six student research projects. Notable events included talks by Omnibus speakers like im体育 Steele and Dr. Moogega Cooper. The newsletter also promoted Purdue Fort Wayne’s Day of Giving, encouraging contributions to student success. The Honors Freshman Seminar was introduced as a key event for new students. With the semester ending, Director Combs expressed gratitude for students' hard work, urging them to recharge over the break and return ready for the fall.