Integrated Safety Plan (ISP)

Promoting a Culture of Safety

It is the policy of Purdue im体育 to integrate environmental health and safety into all operations. Environmental Health and Safety Compliance (IV.A.4) Policy authorized the Health and Safety Compliance Officer (OSHA Officer) to assign environmental, health, safety and preparedness program responsibilities to units outside Physical Facilities. Policy IV.A.4 required Purdue im体育 faculty, staff, students, contractors, on the Fort Wayne campus comply with environmental, health, safety and preparedness laws and regulations issued by federal, state and local agencies. In addition, IV.A.4 requires the formation of safety and emergency preparedness committees to provide a mechanism for indemnification from regulatory fines.

The Integrated Safety Plan (ISP) is the safety program developed to provide a mechanism to cooperate with the OSHA Officer. The ISP assists in communication of environmental health and safety issues across the organization and calls for departmental level safety committees, and individual self-audits. The ISP provides indemnification from regulatory fines for units with a certified safety program. Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) acts as an agent of the OSHA Compliance Officer to certify a safety program.

An ISP certified safety program must have the following elements:

  • Regular safety committee meetings
  • Means of communicating safety issues to the department in a timely manner
  • Upper administrative support for safety
  • Self-audits for all areas (e.g., laboratories, shops, offices, storage and common areas)
  • Abatement of deficiencies found during the self-audits
  • An annual safety program audit by EHS within six (6) months after the self-audit dates
  • Recommendation for ISP certification renewal from EHS

Implementing the Integrated Safety Plan in your department begins with a safety committee that serves as a source of safety information for staff and requires the support of directors, deans, and administrators. Committees should meet regularly to provide an opportunity for self-evaluation as well as time to discuss emerging safety issues and accident trends. EHS staff are available to help facilitate these meetings if needed. EHS will also assist with the hazard assessment, review the Integrated Safety Plan Self-Audit Checklists, monitor regulatory compliance, and provide other EHS services.

Measures used to determine success are based on criteria that include the formation or expansion of a departmental safety committee that consistently communicates environmental health and safety information in a timely fashion. The desired outcomes of the ISP are:

  • Integrate environmental health and safety into Purdue's learning, discovery, and engagement mission
  • Promote individual accountability for safety and regulatory compliance
  • Ensure a proactive system is in place to address environmental health and safety issues
  • Improve the level and consistency of regulatory compliance
  • Reduce employee injury rates through timely and effective communication and training

EHS will evaluate the ISP process and results on a continuing basis and adjust the implementation plan as needed. EHS will use the feedback received from departments, shared information, and accident and injury statistics as a measure of the success in achieving the desired outcomes of the ISP. EHS will work with departments to develop criteria that best meet the shared goals of university compliance and departmental needs. To set up a safety committee, contact EHS to schedule a meeting where an EHS representative can review the requirements of the ISP and assist in developing or expanding your safety committee to encompass the ISP.