Center for Student COunseling
We’re here to help.
Our team will provide services or connect
you with resources to support your
mental-wellness journey. Check out everything we offer below. Both virtual and
in-person services are available.
If you do not have a scheduled appointment, or are not already established with the center, call 260-481-6200. During your consultation, we will discuss your presenting concerns and help you get connected with available resources.

What we Offer
Our Services
One-on-one counseling services are available to help you address the following topics:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Substance use
- Stress management
- Relationships
- Grief
- Self-esteem
- Attention / focus / mindfulness / skill development
- Cultural identity
- LGBTGEQIAP+ issues
- Interpersonal concerns
- Sexual assault
- Other trauma-related concerns
Relationship counseling is designed to help you navigate your relationship problems. This can help you gain insight and learn more effective ways to communicate.
A system is a group of two or more people with an ongoing relationship. Any type of relationship system can seek counseling at the center. Here are some examples:
- Married
- Partnered
- Single
- Consensual nonmonogamous/polyamorous
- Roommates or housemates
- Friendships
To receive relationship counseling, one member of the relationship must be a registered Purdue Fort Wayne student.
Walk-in services enable you to meet with center staff to address a specific concern or crisis, or to determine which services might best address your need. Walk-in services are available during hours of operation and are on a first-come-first-served basis.
A variety of counseling, support, and educational groups are available each semester. Group members often benefit from mutual support and learning that occur from group interactions. If you have an idea for a group counseling topic or would like us to start a specific group, please reach out and let us know.
The relaxation and low-sensory space is a lounge area that provides space for students (as well as faculty and staff) to decompress, relax, and unplug. The room provides dim lights, white noise, comfortable chairs, and relaxation items. It also has a free coffee and tea bar sponsored by the Student Government Association. The goal of the relaxation room is to provide a safe environment and the tools necessary to manage stress. We also have a quiet area for studying. The relaxation and low-sensory space is available for use by all PFW and IUFW students. Students do not have to be a current client of the center to use the space.
The Center for Student Counseling is committed to supporting university programs designed to create a culture of well-being, personal growth, and mental wellness for students. To help achieve this goal, the center is available to provide various outreach and consultation services, including group presentations, trainings, workshops, and panels to PFW and IUFW faculty, staff, students, or organizations. If you are interested, please contact us at [email protected] or 260-481-6200 so that we can meet your outreach needs.
We are firmly committed to keeping the information you share confidential, including your attendance and participation in counseling. We do not and are not legally permitted to discuss your information with anyone including university officials, faculty members, parents, or outside agencies without written authorized consent from you.
Exceptions to this rule are made when:
- You or someone else is in danger of serious harm
- A child or other dependent is being abused
- A court order requires release of records